Monday, September 14, 2015

Plan & Ideas

Interested in: Gender & Dysphoria

Media: Video

I plan to make a video with original footage and sound using Adobe software, then put the footage through MAX MSP and project that on a built set related to the content of this piece.

Content: I've been interested in gender, dysphoria, and the combination of both recently, and I've read a few articles that describe gender as being on a spectrum, and most people do not fall within that spectrum on precisely one end or the other. I would like to use myself or another person in a video showcasing a person with dysphoric feelings about themselves, and portraying themselves in every "stereotypical" role of each "gender." My problems, though, include coming off as insensitive to the topic of being gender dysphoric, and otherwise. This will require a bit more fleshing out. I would like this video to run through MAX MSP, because the idea of the video being broken up randomly will make this footage more uncomfortable, with sound as well. My idea is to display that this discussion is uncomfortable; however, needs to be recognized and discussed.

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